1. General Information

The information available on the Website is provided in good trust. But we don’t make any representation or claim in any way, either explicitly or implied, regarding the reliability, accuracy, or completeness of the authenticity, reliability, accessibility or quality of any information that is available in the Site.

2. Affiliate Disclosure

allinprojectors.com is part of numerous affiliate programs which focus on providing an opportunity for websites to generate advertising revenue via advertising or linking to other websites. We may also receive a fee if you buy or browse using affiliate hyperlinks. It does not impact your cost for the product or service.

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4. Occupational Disclaimer

The Site doesn’t provide technical or projector-related information or advice. The technical and projector details is provided to grant general information and educational purpose only. They are not meant to replace skillful guidance. Therefore, prior to taking any action based on this data, we advise you to speak with appropriate professional. We don’t prepare any form of technical or technical guidance. Reliance on or use on any information provided by this Site is entirely on your own responsibility.

5. Testimonials Disclaimer

The Site could contain testimonials from clients of our products and/or services. These testimonials are based on the actual experience and views of these clients. The experiences of the users vary for the particular customers and might not represent all customers of our services and products. We cannot guarantee that, nor should you believe that every user will experience the same results. Individual outcome might differ.

6. Contact Us

If you have questions about this Disclaimer we invite you to contact us via:
Email: [email protected]